North Walsham Guide

Worstead Pre-school

Worstead Pre-school

Queen Elizabeth Hall, Ruin Road, Worstead, North Walsham, Norfolk. NR28 9WH

01692 535692



Charity Number: 1041749

Worstead Pre-school has been caring and educating children since 1988.  It caters for 2-5 year olds and provides a warm, welcoming, happy, relaxed, caring, secure and purposeful environment in which the children will develop to their full potential by learning through active play, exploration, experimentation and adult and peer interaction.

 We deliver effectively a broad, balanced, relevant curriculum and develop self-motivation, confidence, self-discipline, respect and resilience.

 We work closely in partnership with parents, to the benefit of the children and prepare children for the opportunities and experience of primary/first school and child development.

  • All our permanent staff are trained in Early Years, to at least Level 3. 
  • Our latest Ofsted grading is GOOD.
  • Fantastic outdoor learning at Forest School.
  • We offer upto 30 hours funding per week (if eligible) and have signed up to the tax free childcare scheme.
  • We have an online portal, so you can view your child progress.
  • We are open Monday - Friday 8am-4pm term time only. We also offer breakfast club from 8am and early morning club from 8.30am.
  • We have experience with many children with Additional Needs, e.g. physical difficulties, children on the autistic spectrum or diagnosed with global development delay, gifted and talented children.  Every child is welcomed and our environment adapted so each child reaches their full potential.
  • We have experts on our staff team in Forest School, Music, ICT, Community Friendly Spaces, Communication, Language and Literacy, Mathematics and Science. 
  • Our staff are in close contact with many health professionals and making necessary referrals or seeking advice is straightforward.
  • Some of our staff have worked with primary aged children and understand all aspects of older children/child development.
  • A yearly questionnaire is issued to all parents to provide feedback and new suggestions to improve the pre-school.


 If you are interested in finding out more please call Karen on 01692 535692 for an information pack, or visit our website:







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Contact Name:
Karen Norfolk

01692 535692

Queen Elizabeth Hall
Ruin Road
NR28 9WH

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