North Walsham Guide


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we have seen on 'coast' that north walsham had a Y-station during the 2nd WW.
does anyone have any information about this?
Message from: Rosy Watson (03/10/2011)
During a property search I recently saw that "House of Hobbies" is on sale. I just wanted to voice the opinion that the loss of Julie Cameron and Sharon ? will be a great loss to the town and surrounding area especially, of course, to their customers. What a shame.
Message from: Jelen Howys (30/09/2011)
At last a great North Walsham page welldone
Message from: shaun marshall (24/08/2011)
Thanks Shaun!
Message from: Wayne (24/08/2011)
Oh dear, What has happened to North Walsham Town? What a mess!
Having to walk through the town is like russian roulette with all the pigeon muck flying around. How discusting does the town look now. I over heard a tourist remarking how filthy it was, and what a shame for such a pretty town. I bet they wont come back and i dont blame them.

Why isnt somebody doing something? There has been all talk and no action. Come on sort the bird problem out and also rent out the empty shops , even reducing the rent. Perhaps to a crafting group to show what wonderful things are made in Norfolk.
Not any more charity shops please how many do we need?

Heres hoping something will be done very soon.
Message from: Lesley Chivers (04/08/2011)
I lived in NW back in the 60's, several times due to my dad being in the RAF. I have memories of living in The Oaks behind the Black Cat Garage and the fire siren going off which used to scare me silly it was so loud! We also had a bungalow built in Spencer Avenue before dad was posted to Germany. I remember the Regal Cinema very well spent lots of time there. I attended both the schools they used to sit side by side but can't remember the road name but they also had an extension built up at Spencer Avenue. Woolworths was still thriving and I also remember NW had a cottage hospital again I don't remember the road name.
Last time I visited NW it had changed a lot and I think that was inthe 80's I suspect I would hardly recognise it now!
Lots of memories!!
Message from: Sue Bolton (04/06/2011)
Does anyone know when Seaview Estate was first built in Bacton please. There is very little on the internet regarding the history of Bacton.
Message from: John (25/05/2011)
Hi Linda, I remember going to The Regal Cinema on new Road through the seventies (Digby, Spiderman, Swiss Family Robinson, Sinbad and the eye of the tiger). It closed down in the late seventies. There's stuff about it on this page:
Message from: Wayne (25/05/2011)
There definitely was a cinema . I think it was on new road. I remember exactly where it was not sure of the street name. We went there every Saturday nite. We were too young to be in the pubs so we all went to the pictures. it was the place to meet your friends, boyfriend next boyfriend, whatever. Everyone came in from the surrounding villages. Then we got the bus home. There was a late one in thise days. Came for Norwich and went all the way through Bacton to Happisburgh. I started going there in 1966. I left the area in 1970 and it was still going strong then. I don't knowwhen it closed.
Message from: Linda Clark (22/05/2011)
There definitely was a cinema . I think it was on new road. I remember exactly where it was not sure of the street name. We went there every Saturday nite. We were too young to be in the pubs so we all went to the pictures. it was the place to meet your friends, boyfriend next boyfriend, whatever. Everyone came in from the surrounding villages. Then we got the bus home. There was a late one in those days. Came from Norwich and went all the way through Bacton to Happisburgh. I started going there in 1966. I left the area in 1970 and it was still going strong then. I don't know when it closed.
Message from: Linda Clark (22/05/2011)
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