North Walsham Guide


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However, caution is ideal necessary when choosing true model great flexibility
Message from: kartosin (27/10/2013)
Doing some research on relatives last names Nichlas Scardeburg 1335-1387,Henry Scarburg 1467-1528 and Henry Scardborough date ?? all are related and from N Walsham area. would be interested in any information. Thanks
Message from: Tom (06/10/2013)
I am a brass band historian and am researching the 'lost' village and town bands of Norfolk in preparation for my third book on the subject (I have already published books about bands in Essex and Suffolk) In the late 19th Century there were estimated to be 30,000 bands in the UK. Nearly every village had one, towns had several, cities had dozens. The village brass band was an important aspect of rural life and played for fetes, church festivals, funerals and, of course, Christmas carolling. Today there are around 3,000 so someone, somewhere has an awful lot of instruments, uniforms and memories tucked away in cupboards and attics. I have already found approximately 60 villages in Norfolk that used to have a band but I am convinced that there are many dozens more still to be found and their histories collated. My object in contacting you is twofold. To ask if North Walsham had a brass band and to ask if the town has a local newpaper or Newsletter circulated to surrounding villages that I could contact to ask the same questions about any 'lost' village bands. To establish bona fides you may wish to visit my website at where you will find a short biog and details of my books and the many talks I give all over East Anglia. I would be happy to give a talk on 'lost' bands to any local history group, U3A, WI, Rotary, Probus and, especially for the centenary of WW1, British Legion branches. Thanks for your time in reading this email and I look forward to hearing from you at your convenience. David Cawdell - 01379 668821 -
Message from: David Cawdell (02/07/2013)
Used to work at Harmer & Scott Garage and went to Edwards Bakery next door every morning for our cheese rolls
Message from: Rosemary (15/06/2013)
I work for the Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service- Youth Development Team in North Walsham. We deliver a Princes Trust Team Programme 3 times a year, for unemployed 18 to 24 year olds in the area. We recruit from Wroxham, Stalham, North Walsham, Cromer and Sheringham. Unfortunately we had all our laptops stolen from our team room, at the NW Rugby Club. The insurance did not pay out as they said we had not made clear the "type" of young people that we work with! The laptops are an essential part of the course, as we use them for job searching, application forms, C.V.s as well as the course work. So we are asking if there is any way the Lions Club may be able to help us in supporting the young people in this area? Many thanks for taking the time to read this and if you need any more information, please contact me.
Message from: Mike Pepperell (12/03/2013)
I am coming up to North Walsham on 4th March specifically to look around the residential areas. I am retiring in May and plan to move there once my house in Watford sells. Looking forward to the move to Norfolk very much.
Message from: Valerie (19/02/2013)
I am so happy to have found this site, as we are soon moving to North Walsham from a London suburb, and cant wait :)
I was concerned that someone said the town centre was a dirty, pigeon fouled place, as it doesnt look like that on recent visits?
We are looking forward to the move, and hoping to meet and make new friends :)
Message from: Linda Ward (18/02/2013)
Good day to all the folk interested in this brilliant North Walsham site. I was born early 1962 and lived on a remote farm out on the Skeyton Road which led to Felmingham Heath, We were miles from the nearest shop and the school bus picked us up each day. The closest house to us was still quite a way away and was Cullings Riding Stables., this was delightful, I was allowed to help there and ride for free. My father had land at the farm which he rented out to Donkey owners and after school I would hop on a Donkey and have my 'Own Donkey Derbies' Such a freedom that my own children know very little about! What memories! Some of my family still live in North Walsham but I moved in the 80's to start a career in Norwich. There have been a few times when I have visited my old haunts and shed a tear or two. Love to all North Walshamites.
Message from: Margaret Catchpole (Nee Cossey!) (13/02/2013)
FREE EVENT FOR YOUNG PEOPLE DURING HALF TERM. Inspire Young People free half term event Monday 18th February. 10.30am - 2.30pm at North Walsham Community Centre. Come and try new activities! Mask making, phone photographic competition, bug trail and nature quiz, hula hooping, stress ball making and lots more! For more information contact Jess on or 01603 819135.
Message from: Jess (11/02/2013)
Any craft fairs coming up in North Walsham soon?
Message from: JuneD (08/01/2013)
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